Monday, June 10, 2013

Anarawen - XII

Chapter 14: Thranduil's Halls

Led by Aldermund, Anarawen went into the halls of King Thranduil, followed by the rest of the company. The elven warriors were delighted to be back in these halls after what seemed like a long winding journey. It only took a few dawns and they were in both Lothlorien and Rivendell, within such a short journey. New fated bonds had sufficed along the path and some members of the comapny were joyful yet felt uneasy by the fated binding of Aldermund and Anarawen.

"Creoso utinuamin.. (Welcome my son..) Is there any news for us from kinfolks in Lothlorien and Rivendell?"

asked King Thranduil holding out his arms as if welcoming Aldermund and Aldermund answered,

"No, father. We were ambushed by creatures of Sauruman that were neither orc nor elf, but stronger and faster, in the woods by Anduin and Misty Mountains. These creatures were bred in the dungeons of Isengard, the doings of Sauruman who had now joined Sauron. Lord Elrond had bid me to warn you of these creatures."

"I have been warned of these by the swift-foots from Rivendell, who had set back out to home a day ago.. Had you seen them on their way?"

"No, father. Lord Elrond had been concerned of their well-beings as well, lest they be attacked and slain by the enemies."

Perhaps, we must join forces with them when the great battle is eminent. I have chosen to fight by the side of mortal men against Sauron for middle-earth in their battle. The time of men is not far, we elves, those that have chosen it, would be leaving the shores soon.

As Aldermund and King Thranduil were exchanging words, the rest of the company were leaving the halls for their chambers to rest. Anarawen, led by a maiden, went to her chamber adorned with scents of silk and blossoms in the air.

When all had gone out of the hall, Thranduil asked Aldermund,

"Thus I see you bringing the mortal girl back to Mirkwood. What reason have you to bring her back after Galadriel have cured her well?"

"My lord, I have chosen her to be my fate, may it be a mortal one."
answered Aldermund, kneeling in front of his father, with his eyes on the ground. King Thranduil did nothing but smile and said,

"I have seen as much when you brought the girl here, Aldermund. Have you known her origins and the reasons of the word you claimed to hear that she have whispered, "neuma"? These must be known to us now for you have chosen to walk the path of faith with her, even when it means you would be a mortal when overwhelmed with grief when she has perished as all mortals do."

"Forgive me father for I have yet to find these. I would do so from now on."

"Very well. Then I have nothing more to say. Remember, though you are not the heir to the throne, you are still the prince-ling of Mirkwood and the good of your kins must be considered before the good of your own. The companion & the fate you choose, change I will not as it is not for me to change the fate of others."

King Thranduil waved from his chair, giving him permission to leave, and Aldermund quietly left the halls. He had now realized that he had yet to ask Anarawen of her kingdom and kinfolks, and discreet that she was she had never shared in many instants the news of her folks when they were in Rivendell. He wished not to disturb her rest after a long journey at the ungodly hours for any matter yet. The next dawn would come, he thought, with the patience of an elf.


Just to remind myself, and readers: this is a fan-fiction. :)

The pic belongs to its rightful owner.
The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

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