Sunday, June 09, 2013

Anarawen - X

Chapter 12: Sunset on Blossoms

The morning after came too quickly. Anarawen had barely woken up, when the light hit her soft face, and the wind caressed her hair, as if asking her to enjoy the wondrous glory of Rivendell under the morning rays. As she passed down the stairs, she was mesmerized by the sight of such beauty undisturbed by war or threat. She wanted to practice her wizardry in this city surrounded by remarkably peaceful and rich mother nature.

As she followed the maiden sent for her, she was already thinking of spells she have yet to practice after she had fallen to the deathly spell in the battle near Helcaraxë. She enjoyed the heavenly foods of elves quietly, as she sat by Aldermund's side.

"Have you enough? I have decided to let ourselves rest and enjoy Rivendell's nature for two dawns, and we return to Mirkwood."

"Yes.. my lord."

Anarawen answered Aldermund's first words of the day.

"Amin merna uma istoramin.. Heruamin.. (I wish to practice my spells.. my lord.)"

She told him softly, and softly he answered,

"Manka lle merna.. (If you wish..) Amin caela noa.. (I have an idea.) I will take you to the falls of Imladris."

"Diola lle.. Yaaraer.. (Thank you.. ancient one.)"

"Yaaraer?.. (ancient one?). Remember.. Amin quessir.. (I'm an elf).. and a prince-ling in our terms."

Aldermund said bemused by her attempt to tease him. Afterwards, they walked to the falls of Imladris, and as they passed the bridge of Rivendell, the gleam of the sun sparkling against the flow of the stream caught her in her steps. As she stopped and breathed in the air, the sun, the earth and the leaves around, she felt joy and longing at the same time as if there was something inside her that was against herself in that moment.

Aldermund stopped to look back at her and came towards, and as he stood beside her looking at the falls under the bridge of Rivendell, he said no word yet discreetly studied her as his elvish ears could hear her heart beats turned fast from slow in a short while. Then he spoke,

"Arwenamin.. A'melamin.. sina menea.. (my lady.. my love.. this way..)"

And they walked until they could see the falls majestically reflecting the rays of sun, roaring in every step it took, as if claiming its strength and beauty.

"Tanya farnuva.. (this will do..) Amin uma istoramin.. ( I could practice my spells..)"

said Anarawen, clearly overjoyed by the nature around her. Aldermund gently kissed her cheek and said,

"As you wish my dear. I will be in the forest nearby."

They practiced their skills until the sun had passed high upon their heads and down to the other side in the sky, Anarawen practiced her magic and Aldermund his bowing. She had long decided to rest when Aldermund walked by to the clearing she made, and she had grown quite a few twirls of vines wounded up the trees around. Aldermund was amused by her command in nature which seemed to cause nothing but growth with vines.

Aldermund sat down beside Anarawen, who was sitting against a tree by the falls. Quietly they observed nature and felt the peace of wind and trees, and Anarawen listened to the birds, the trees and the wind bringing her news from afar. Butterflies seemed to have found a home in the trees in the forest, and wound and wound they went above their heads, enjoying their flights. Anarawen whispered,

"Amin yala onna en' alu.. (I summon water element..)"

A string of water shot up from the falls and sprinkled upon Aldermund's fair face, startling the calm elf to jump up towards, in front of her. She giggled, and gazed upon Aldermund with adoration. Aldermund realizing that it was no danger, sat back down with a smile in his eyes, and she used the piece of fabric she had around her belt to wipe the water off his fairest elvish face. As she did so, she admired and caressed the pointed ears of his elfin nature and studied it as if it was a wonder of nature itself. He took her hand and pressed it onto his lips, pulled her near and gave her countless gentle kisses with a tight embrace.

The moss blossomed around them as she lay silently in his embrace watching the sun went down over the horizon. Slowly, she reached up to his pointy ears that she adored and kissed them gently, and his embrace went tighter as she quietly settled back into his arms, sitting by the tree. When dusk came, though reluctantly, she said,

"Lye anta est.. (We need to rest..)"

They walked back to the house of Elrond, and as they passed the bridge of Rivendell, Aldermund stopped and whispered as he looked into her eyes,

"Oio naa elealla alasse', Lirimaer.. Khila amin.. Uuma auta.. (Ever is your sight a joy, lovely one.. follow me.. do not leave..)"

"Heruamin.. belegohtar.. curucuar.. Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa.. Detholalle.. Heruamin.. A'maelamin (My Lord.. mighty warrior.. great bowman.. your heart is of a lion.. and as you wish.. My Lord.. My Beloved..)"

Anarawen answered with eyes shining silver under the moonlight, and they shared a kiss that sealed their fates together under the forces of mysterious moonlight witnessed by the wind, stars, water and earth.

As they reached the house of Elrond, Aldermund sent Anarawen back to her chambers, and as he kissed her on her forehead before he left, he said,

"Quel kaima.. A'maelamin.. (Sleep well.. my beloved..)"

Aldermund spent two days and two nights in Rivendell, with Anarawen, under the care of the kinfolks, and it was time to go back to Mirkwood, his home, his kingdom and home of the wood-elves.


The pic belongs to its rightful owner.
The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

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