Saturday, June 08, 2013

Anarawen - IX

Chapter 11: Rivendell 

They set sail to Rivendell down the river. Much to their comfort, the warrior who had left behind for them to flee had safely returned to the ships with uncritical wounds. The elvish kind have a sense of telepathy & sharp observation skills that are inborn; & thus from the instant they had returned, it had been known by the company that, Aldermund & Anarawen had bound their fates with more than mere passion or affection in their journey for cure.

On the sail to Rivendell, Anarawen attended to the wounded, though elvish medicines are far more superior than her herbs & remedies. The elves were so kind to her on the journey that she had started to feel like she had been born & raised with their kind.

At nights, she would stand on Aldermund's side to watch the stars as they held hands. He would embrace her when the wind got too cold or strong and shelter her with his cloak as if an element that she could command is capable of hurting her.

She would command the icy water to shoot up in droplets to tease and tingle his fair elfin face, and as an apology she would gently wipe the water off his face and give him a soft tumble of lips on the hairs near his ears. The eminent traces  of danger in middle earth around them had not frightened them enough to restrain from love and affection.

Three days they sailed west and then to the north towards Rivendell as fast as the wind permitted, and they reached. The folks of Rivendell greeted and treated them as Royal guests. As they entered the hall of Elrond, Aldermund & Anarawen were given seats on the side, & the Lord Elrond sat accompanied by his wise daughter, Arwen, on his side.

"What have brought you here Aldermund? Is there any bidding from your father?"

asked Lord Elrond.

"Nay, My Lord. We have come here to warn you of the creatures marked with white-hand on their helms that roam in the south of east, not far from the mountains."

answered Aldermund.

"Yes. We have encountered these creatures. They are the abominations of elf and orc bred in the dungeons of Isengard. Saruman's mark is upon them as Saruman has joined Sauron. These creatures are stronger and faster than orc and elf. You must warn your kinfolk in Mirkwood of such creatures. We have sent swift-foots to your kinfolk though we have yet to receive them back."

Lord Elrond seemed concerned as he spoke of the warriors he sent to Mirkwood. In that moment of silence, Arwen spoke:

"And who may you be my lady, lady of nature it seems that you have such earthly yet godly appearance, as if you could command nature itself to do your tidings."

Anarawen was embarrassed by such importance given to her by an elven princess. She knelt down slightly respectfully and said,

"Your Highness, I am Anarawen, daughter of Eldalote Sáralondë, Lady of Helcaraxë. Your wise fore-vision is true as I practice the laws of nature and am able to command the elements at will. "

"And my fated companion.."

said Aldermund. Anarawen looked upon him with an endearing affection barely hiding her joy for being such an important one for Aldermund.

"Very well. Rest well my kins, after your tiring journey. You look weary. Let Rivendell be your home for now till you set out for Mirkwood."

said Lord Elrond smiling and overjoyed by the companionship in front of him.


The pic belongs to its rightful owner.
The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

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