Friday, June 07, 2013

Anarawn - VII

Chapter 9: Hills & Plains

As they set ashore at dawn, Aldermund ordered a ship of warriors & warrior-maidens to sail to the east of Rivendell to seek for help from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. As they had been ambushed, the fled enemies might return with numbers. Thus, he had ordered the ships to stay afloat in the river, while he, Anarawen, a warrior-maiden & a warrior set off in a small boat, and into the woods to search for the slain ones.

As they walked towards the slain swiftly, the trees and wind guided Anarawen the way, and the trees & vines made way for them. When they reached the abandoned site of the enemies, there were creatures that are larger than orcs, yet as ugly & lethal looking, with the strength & size bigger than elves. On their helms, a mark of a white hand was painted upon.

Anarawen took the white paint from a helm on her finger, and whispered a spell with ancient tongue into the wind, and waited. The wind blew, the trees swayed and two butterflies twirled around her head as if to tell her something.

"My lord, the cure is to be made by hand. I fear lest we must find the ingredients & make it in a shelter. Let us search for it for we have not the time and strength in the field of slain enemies."

They passed down the slope to the mountains where there would be stone caves and shelters. Along the way, Anarawen collected a root, a plant & leaves, every time thanking the earth & the tree for giving a part of themselves to her. The warrior-maiden was sent off to the ships to wait there for their return as the company would not be anticipating them to be on foot after dusk.

In a short stride, they found a cave that they took shelter. Lady Anarawen made the vines grew over the cave to hide its entrance in plain view. As she worked her spell, the warrior & Aldermund waited. Lord Aldermund had been seeing his warrior kins as he passed in and out of the realm of livings by then. In the dead of night, they have heard the heavy footsteps of warriors. Though Lord Aldermund was unaware, Anarawen & the warrior were alert on their senses. As Anarawen binds the spell with the earthly ingredients & the white earth, there was light & sound in the cave. The enemy had been alerted of their presence now.

Though it was only a small troop of unknown creatures with a white hand on their helms, and though the warrior & Anarawen fought them off, they were gravely out-numbered. The warrior chose to fight off the enemies, while Anarawen & Aldermund retreat to the mountains where he could heal & she could continue with her healing spell. For them to return to the river would be foolish as they couldn't make it out the plains unaided. So they fled.

As they approached the mountains, Anarawen liked not the look of the plains as there was not much she could use against any enemy. The help from nature now, would be far reaching and scarce. She chose a cave on the foot of two mountains. This would be safe enough, she thought.

"Coiamin Heruamin.. Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar.. (Live, My lord- for you have given me life- I will follow you to death and beyond..)"

She whispered softly, lying Aldermund down in the cave. She spoke the last verse of her spell as she prepare to treat him. As she examined the black wound thoroughly, and put the remedy on it, she spoke softly the last verse of the spell. The poison had reached the left side of his neck & ears. She spoke softly the spell into his hears, to pull him back into the living realm. As she did, she noticed the fairness of the elven prince-ling and the poison causing hideous destruction to his body.

"Coiamin Heruamin... (Live, my lord..)"

As she laid him down, she shed tears as such wonderful immortal being of beauty, grace, kindness & strength had met mortal danger upon tidings to save her from the grip of death. Now, there is nothing but to wait for his fate to unveil..


Decided not to put any romatic scene here, as that would be the girl taking advantage of the dude. rofl.

The pic belongs to its rightful owner.
The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

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