Monday, June 10, 2013

Anarawen - XII

Chapter 14: Thranduil's Halls

Led by Aldermund, Anarawen went into the halls of King Thranduil, followed by the rest of the company. The elven warriors were delighted to be back in these halls after what seemed like a long winding journey. It only took a few dawns and they were in both Lothlorien and Rivendell, within such a short journey. New fated bonds had sufficed along the path and some members of the comapny were joyful yet felt uneasy by the fated binding of Aldermund and Anarawen.

"Creoso utinuamin.. (Welcome my son..) Is there any news for us from kinfolks in Lothlorien and Rivendell?"

asked King Thranduil holding out his arms as if welcoming Aldermund and Aldermund answered,

"No, father. We were ambushed by creatures of Sauruman that were neither orc nor elf, but stronger and faster, in the woods by Anduin and Misty Mountains. These creatures were bred in the dungeons of Isengard, the doings of Sauruman who had now joined Sauron. Lord Elrond had bid me to warn you of these creatures."

"I have been warned of these by the swift-foots from Rivendell, who had set back out to home a day ago.. Had you seen them on their way?"

"No, father. Lord Elrond had been concerned of their well-beings as well, lest they be attacked and slain by the enemies."

Perhaps, we must join forces with them when the great battle is eminent. I have chosen to fight by the side of mortal men against Sauron for middle-earth in their battle. The time of men is not far, we elves, those that have chosen it, would be leaving the shores soon.

As Aldermund and King Thranduil were exchanging words, the rest of the company were leaving the halls for their chambers to rest. Anarawen, led by a maiden, went to her chamber adorned with scents of silk and blossoms in the air.

When all had gone out of the hall, Thranduil asked Aldermund,

"Thus I see you bringing the mortal girl back to Mirkwood. What reason have you to bring her back after Galadriel have cured her well?"

"My lord, I have chosen her to be my fate, may it be a mortal one."
answered Aldermund, kneeling in front of his father, with his eyes on the ground. King Thranduil did nothing but smile and said,

"I have seen as much when you brought the girl here, Aldermund. Have you known her origins and the reasons of the word you claimed to hear that she have whispered, "neuma"? These must be known to us now for you have chosen to walk the path of faith with her, even when it means you would be a mortal when overwhelmed with grief when she has perished as all mortals do."

"Forgive me father for I have yet to find these. I would do so from now on."

"Very well. Then I have nothing more to say. Remember, though you are not the heir to the throne, you are still the prince-ling of Mirkwood and the good of your kins must be considered before the good of your own. The companion & the fate you choose, change I will not as it is not for me to change the fate of others."

King Thranduil waved from his chair, giving him permission to leave, and Aldermund quietly left the halls. He had now realized that he had yet to ask Anarawen of her kingdom and kinfolks, and discreet that she was she had never shared in many instants the news of her folks when they were in Rivendell. He wished not to disturb her rest after a long journey at the ungodly hours for any matter yet. The next dawn would come, he thought, with the patience of an elf.


Just to remind myself, and readers: this is a fan-fiction. :)

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The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Anarawen - XI

Chapter 13: The Hills

They set out on steeds from Rivendell to Mirkwood. They were to cross the hills, the plains & enter the woodlands surrounding the home of elves. As Lord Elrond & his daughter, princess Arwen sent them off to the gates, Lord Elrond said,

"Beware of the orcs, Aldermund, for these times are not the times to travel lightly."

"Yes, my lord. I will pass your biddings to my father Thranduil."

answered Aldermund.

As a parting gift, Arwen had given Anarawen a sword, both fair and light, yet strong and sharp as any other elvish sword, wrought with the lighest metals by elven blacksmiths, after she learnt that Anarawen was taught to fend herself by means of combat as well.

They drove their steeds east towards the misty mountains. They were to cross the path between the feet of mountains, across the plains where Eyries guard from the skies for orcs. Then they were to cross Anduin, the river east of misty mountains. When the misty mountains were near, from their keen elven eyes, the elves could see and sense that nothing was amiss and they could pass safely, thus they went towards of the hill path.

As they went into the vaguely surrounding filled with mist and cold, their cloaks had changed into the shades that had blended them with nature. They went on, cautiously yet swiftly, as they wished to cross this path between the mountains before nightfall, the gallops of their horses were echoing in the mists, turning the day even more wearisome. Out of a sudden, an eyrie shrieked in high shrills, and Anarawen said,

"Orcs!.. Orcs!.. North of the moutains.. Be quick! The eyrie had seen us as well.."

They raced towards Anduin river, and the orcs were behind. They were able to slain quite a few from afar with the aim of elves. Their arrows did nothing to deter them, and the orcs went after them until they were far in the plains, and near Anduin, as if the orcs were afraid of the plains and the light that made them vulnerably visible to attack.

They crossed Anduin where it gave way to a daughter branch to Misty Mountains; the water was low, flowing seamlessly over the stones making a kind of harmony that was of earthly tranquility. They reached the forest gates that trailed into Mirkwood, where the elf path began, and Aldermund said,

"Trod closely.. as the path is near to the homes of ungols.. those who touch their webs never could leave, by the binds and the poison.. The webs are strong as the dwarf metals and could not be untangled once caught.."

Anarawen said nothing but nodded, as the quiet and the gloomy appearance of the Mirkwoods, under what was left of sunlight, had caused her to be weary. They took the path slowly holding their elven glows in the night that showed their ways, first to the east, and then to the north towards the forest river, which they would have to cross to get to King Thranduil's halls. So they went. Ungols were seen often on the side of the elven path but never did they disturb the elves, as the path was guarded by elven templa.

They crossed the forest river in the night because they wished not to stay in the forest at night where ungols could ambush them and poison them with ease. They reached the King's halls after midnight, when the moon was shining brightly amidst the silky sky. They crossed the bridge towards the stone doors of King Thranduil's and Aldermund put his right hand on the wall where a circle in a star is curved out and whispered,

"Amin aaye heru amin.."

The stone high doors gave way to let the company in, and they walked in with the steeds on their sides, into the halls of King Thranduil, the King of wood elves in the Kingdom of Mirkwood. As Anarawen walked along side the elves, her heart was pounding and she desperately wanted to do a spell to slow it down. She had yet to find out what would unfold next and though she would deny if asked, she wanted to be in Helcaraxë at that moment.


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The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Anarawen - X

Chapter 12: Sunset on Blossoms

The morning after came too quickly. Anarawen had barely woken up, when the light hit her soft face, and the wind caressed her hair, as if asking her to enjoy the wondrous glory of Rivendell under the morning rays. As she passed down the stairs, she was mesmerized by the sight of such beauty undisturbed by war or threat. She wanted to practice her wizardry in this city surrounded by remarkably peaceful and rich mother nature.

As she followed the maiden sent for her, she was already thinking of spells she have yet to practice after she had fallen to the deathly spell in the battle near Helcaraxë. She enjoyed the heavenly foods of elves quietly, as she sat by Aldermund's side.

"Have you enough? I have decided to let ourselves rest and enjoy Rivendell's nature for two dawns, and we return to Mirkwood."

"Yes.. my lord."

Anarawen answered Aldermund's first words of the day.

"Amin merna uma istoramin.. Heruamin.. (I wish to practice my spells.. my lord.)"

She told him softly, and softly he answered,

"Manka lle merna.. (If you wish..) Amin caela noa.. (I have an idea.) I will take you to the falls of Imladris."

"Diola lle.. Yaaraer.. (Thank you.. ancient one.)"

"Yaaraer?.. (ancient one?). Remember.. Amin quessir.. (I'm an elf).. and a prince-ling in our terms."

Aldermund said bemused by her attempt to tease him. Afterwards, they walked to the falls of Imladris, and as they passed the bridge of Rivendell, the gleam of the sun sparkling against the flow of the stream caught her in her steps. As she stopped and breathed in the air, the sun, the earth and the leaves around, she felt joy and longing at the same time as if there was something inside her that was against herself in that moment.

Aldermund stopped to look back at her and came towards, and as he stood beside her looking at the falls under the bridge of Rivendell, he said no word yet discreetly studied her as his elvish ears could hear her heart beats turned fast from slow in a short while. Then he spoke,

"Arwenamin.. A'melamin.. sina menea.. (my lady.. my love.. this way..)"

And they walked until they could see the falls majestically reflecting the rays of sun, roaring in every step it took, as if claiming its strength and beauty.

"Tanya farnuva.. (this will do..) Amin uma istoramin.. ( I could practice my spells..)"

said Anarawen, clearly overjoyed by the nature around her. Aldermund gently kissed her cheek and said,

"As you wish my dear. I will be in the forest nearby."

They practiced their skills until the sun had passed high upon their heads and down to the other side in the sky, Anarawen practiced her magic and Aldermund his bowing. She had long decided to rest when Aldermund walked by to the clearing she made, and she had grown quite a few twirls of vines wounded up the trees around. Aldermund was amused by her command in nature which seemed to cause nothing but growth with vines.

Aldermund sat down beside Anarawen, who was sitting against a tree by the falls. Quietly they observed nature and felt the peace of wind and trees, and Anarawen listened to the birds, the trees and the wind bringing her news from afar. Butterflies seemed to have found a home in the trees in the forest, and wound and wound they went above their heads, enjoying their flights. Anarawen whispered,

"Amin yala onna en' alu.. (I summon water element..)"

A string of water shot up from the falls and sprinkled upon Aldermund's fair face, startling the calm elf to jump up towards, in front of her. She giggled, and gazed upon Aldermund with adoration. Aldermund realizing that it was no danger, sat back down with a smile in his eyes, and she used the piece of fabric she had around her belt to wipe the water off his fairest elvish face. As she did so, she admired and caressed the pointed ears of his elfin nature and studied it as if it was a wonder of nature itself. He took her hand and pressed it onto his lips, pulled her near and gave her countless gentle kisses with a tight embrace.

The moss blossomed around them as she lay silently in his embrace watching the sun went down over the horizon. Slowly, she reached up to his pointy ears that she adored and kissed them gently, and his embrace went tighter as she quietly settled back into his arms, sitting by the tree. When dusk came, though reluctantly, she said,

"Lye anta est.. (We need to rest..)"

They walked back to the house of Elrond, and as they passed the bridge of Rivendell, Aldermund stopped and whispered as he looked into her eyes,

"Oio naa elealla alasse', Lirimaer.. Khila amin.. Uuma auta.. (Ever is your sight a joy, lovely one.. follow me.. do not leave..)"

"Heruamin.. belegohtar.. curucuar.. Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa.. Detholalle.. Heruamin.. A'maelamin (My Lord.. mighty warrior.. great bowman.. your heart is of a lion.. and as you wish.. My Lord.. My Beloved..)"

Anarawen answered with eyes shining silver under the moonlight, and they shared a kiss that sealed their fates together under the forces of mysterious moonlight witnessed by the wind, stars, water and earth.

As they reached the house of Elrond, Aldermund sent Anarawen back to her chambers, and as he kissed her on her forehead before he left, he said,

"Quel kaima.. A'maelamin.. (Sleep well.. my beloved..)"

Aldermund spent two days and two nights in Rivendell, with Anarawen, under the care of the kinfolks, and it was time to go back to Mirkwood, his home, his kingdom and home of the wood-elves.


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The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Anarawen - IX

Chapter 11: Rivendell 

They set sail to Rivendell down the river. Much to their comfort, the warrior who had left behind for them to flee had safely returned to the ships with uncritical wounds. The elvish kind have a sense of telepathy & sharp observation skills that are inborn; & thus from the instant they had returned, it had been known by the company that, Aldermund & Anarawen had bound their fates with more than mere passion or affection in their journey for cure.

On the sail to Rivendell, Anarawen attended to the wounded, though elvish medicines are far more superior than her herbs & remedies. The elves were so kind to her on the journey that she had started to feel like she had been born & raised with their kind.

At nights, she would stand on Aldermund's side to watch the stars as they held hands. He would embrace her when the wind got too cold or strong and shelter her with his cloak as if an element that she could command is capable of hurting her.

She would command the icy water to shoot up in droplets to tease and tingle his fair elfin face, and as an apology she would gently wipe the water off his face and give him a soft tumble of lips on the hairs near his ears. The eminent traces  of danger in middle earth around them had not frightened them enough to restrain from love and affection.

Three days they sailed west and then to the north towards Rivendell as fast as the wind permitted, and they reached. The folks of Rivendell greeted and treated them as Royal guests. As they entered the hall of Elrond, Aldermund & Anarawen were given seats on the side, & the Lord Elrond sat accompanied by his wise daughter, Arwen, on his side.

"What have brought you here Aldermund? Is there any bidding from your father?"

asked Lord Elrond.

"Nay, My Lord. We have come here to warn you of the creatures marked with white-hand on their helms that roam in the south of east, not far from the mountains."

answered Aldermund.

"Yes. We have encountered these creatures. They are the abominations of elf and orc bred in the dungeons of Isengard. Saruman's mark is upon them as Saruman has joined Sauron. These creatures are stronger and faster than orc and elf. You must warn your kinfolk in Mirkwood of such creatures. We have sent swift-foots to your kinfolk though we have yet to receive them back."

Lord Elrond seemed concerned as he spoke of the warriors he sent to Mirkwood. In that moment of silence, Arwen spoke:

"And who may you be my lady, lady of nature it seems that you have such earthly yet godly appearance, as if you could command nature itself to do your tidings."

Anarawen was embarrassed by such importance given to her by an elven princess. She knelt down slightly respectfully and said,

"Your Highness, I am Anarawen, daughter of Eldalote Sáralondë, Lady of Helcaraxë. Your wise fore-vision is true as I practice the laws of nature and am able to command the elements at will. "

"And my fated companion.."

said Aldermund. Anarawen looked upon him with an endearing affection barely hiding her joy for being such an important one for Aldermund.

"Very well. Rest well my kins, after your tiring journey. You look weary. Let Rivendell be your home for now till you set out for Mirkwood."

said Lord Elrond smiling and overjoyed by the companionship in front of him.


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The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Anarawen - VIII

Chapter 10: Immortal Grace & Spell

Although Anarawen had seek the nature to aid them in the shelter, the cold had seeped inside. The cradle of the sounds of wind and the gentle tugging of snow had exacerbated the weariness in her from the battle & spell, and she had fallen into a deep horrific dream of orcs surrounding their cave while they were unguarded, far from any kin help.

She woke up to the sight of the elf looking down upon her smiling as if it was him who had just saved her from death. She got up to examine the elf's wound and blackened veins, and to her great relief she had found the poison to be cured fully by her spell. Suddenly she realized that she was touching the elven prince-ling's bare chest, examining the wound. Sudden shot of blood made her cheeks red as she looked up upon the elf's face, which was smiling as if it was nothing unnatural to him. She retracted her hands immediately as if it was a shock by a bolt of lighting that had touched her hands.

"My lord.. you are cured of poison. We could get back to the ship and be on our way to Mirkwood."

Anarawen said softly trying to sound steady as she could hear her heart beating too fast she might do a spell to slow it down.

Aldermund said nothing but slowly put his arms around her as if to embrace her tiny figure covered with the cloak he gave her when he saw her dying on the desolate plains. His keen elfin ears could hear her fragile yet strong heart beating times faster & louder than normal. Slowly & softly, he put his lips on her cold forehead, and moved down to the tip of her nose, to her cheeks, her eyes, then to her jawline, then to the soft hairs near her ears, and he nibbled on her earlobes. Softly he kissed her ears and said,

"My beloved.."

Then, slowly & gently he kissed her lips as if not to crush her with his elven strength, he embraced her in his arms like a fragile doll. The stars were aligning perfectly on that moment, and they shared a light that passed between their closed eyes.

As she rested in his arms, Anarawen whispered,
"My love.."

 As she sat weakly beside him & rested her head on Aldermund's chest, she reached up to his neck and kissed it gently cupping it with her pink soft lips as if she was trying to touch a small grape that would burst under pressure. She could sense the faint odour of summer blossoms from her beloved elf and as she sat there, trailing along the line to the indent where his chest meet his neck with her lips, she said,

"We should make our way to the ships."

He lift his hand gently to get a strand of her hair out of the way, gently kissing her forehead, he said,

"Yes.. my lady.."

They made their way through the woods, the plains and finally to the shore. There was no trace of the marked enemies on their way, not did they see the elven warrior who had stayed back to fight while they fled either, except for a lost orc band of five that they were able to slain far too easily.

They reached to part of the shore that was not where they set out from. Thus, they traveled along the river to get to the ships, and hoped it had not been under attack by the marked creatures.  They set out swiftly on foot, Anarawen stopping now and then to hear the sound of wind & birds to study the surroundings.

When they neared the elven ships, as expected, it was under attack by the white-hand marked creatures who flogged along the shore to aim at the ship with their lighted arrows. They were setting up logs to float up to the ships. The duo ambushed a good number of creatures before their presence was made known by the scream of one.

They were in battle, with warriors shooting arrows with elven aims from the ship, and they on the shore, slaying the creatures in combat- Anarawen using her wizardry in nature & Aldermund his sharp skills in battle. When the troop was slain, they were weary to the point where aid needed to come to help them up to the ships. They set sail towards Rivendell as the creatures could return with even greater numbers.


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the pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Anarawn - VII

Chapter 9: Hills & Plains

As they set ashore at dawn, Aldermund ordered a ship of warriors & warrior-maidens to sail to the east of Rivendell to seek for help from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. As they had been ambushed, the fled enemies might return with numbers. Thus, he had ordered the ships to stay afloat in the river, while he, Anarawen, a warrior-maiden & a warrior set off in a small boat, and into the woods to search for the slain ones.

As they walked towards the slain swiftly, the trees and wind guided Anarawen the way, and the trees & vines made way for them. When they reached the abandoned site of the enemies, there were creatures that are larger than orcs, yet as ugly & lethal looking, with the strength & size bigger than elves. On their helms, a mark of a white hand was painted upon.

Anarawen took the white paint from a helm on her finger, and whispered a spell with ancient tongue into the wind, and waited. The wind blew, the trees swayed and two butterflies twirled around her head as if to tell her something.

"My lord, the cure is to be made by hand. I fear lest we must find the ingredients & make it in a shelter. Let us search for it for we have not the time and strength in the field of slain enemies."

They passed down the slope to the mountains where there would be stone caves and shelters. Along the way, Anarawen collected a root, a plant & leaves, every time thanking the earth & the tree for giving a part of themselves to her. The warrior-maiden was sent off to the ships to wait there for their return as the company would not be anticipating them to be on foot after dusk.

In a short stride, they found a cave that they took shelter. Lady Anarawen made the vines grew over the cave to hide its entrance in plain view. As she worked her spell, the warrior & Aldermund waited. Lord Aldermund had been seeing his warrior kins as he passed in and out of the realm of livings by then. In the dead of night, they have heard the heavy footsteps of warriors. Though Lord Aldermund was unaware, Anarawen & the warrior were alert on their senses. As Anarawen binds the spell with the earthly ingredients & the white earth, there was light & sound in the cave. The enemy had been alerted of their presence now.

Though it was only a small troop of unknown creatures with a white hand on their helms, and though the warrior & Anarawen fought them off, they were gravely out-numbered. The warrior chose to fight off the enemies, while Anarawen & Aldermund retreat to the mountains where he could heal & she could continue with her healing spell. For them to return to the river would be foolish as they couldn't make it out the plains unaided. So they fled.

As they approached the mountains, Anarawen liked not the look of the plains as there was not much she could use against any enemy. The help from nature now, would be far reaching and scarce. She chose a cave on the foot of two mountains. This would be safe enough, she thought.

"Coiamin Heruamin.. Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar.. (Live, My lord- for you have given me life- I will follow you to death and beyond..)"

She whispered softly, lying Aldermund down in the cave. She spoke the last verse of her spell as she prepare to treat him. As she examined the black wound thoroughly, and put the remedy on it, she spoke softly the last verse of the spell. The poison had reached the left side of his neck & ears. She spoke softly the spell into his hears, to pull him back into the living realm. As she did, she noticed the fairness of the elven prince-ling and the poison causing hideous destruction to his body.

"Coiamin Heruamin... (Live, my lord..)"

As she laid him down, she shed tears as such wonderful immortal being of beauty, grace, kindness & strength had met mortal danger upon tidings to save her from the grip of death. Now, there is nothing but to wait for his fate to unveil..


Decided not to put any romatic scene here, as that would be the girl taking advantage of the dude. rofl.

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The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Anarawen - VI

Chapter 8: The River Flows

Lady Galadriel & Lord Celebon sent their company off to the elven ships. They were to sail down the river to the west of Mirkwood and to travel by foot from there onwards.

"Be safe Prince-ling, for you have not the sight and battle of wizardry before.."

said Lord Celebon smiling as if he was bemused by his own words.

As they sailed along the river, the waters were clear & the trees were tranquil. Lady Anarawen barely exited her chamber though when she did, she was immensely joyed by the sight of the open trees & soft wooly snow flakes as the snow was thin on these parts of middle earth. It was as if nature itself had given them way to sail down the river. The river had not frozen and their ships had descended without as much as a plate of ice seen, from Lothlorien towards west.

One night, looking up at the vague twilight, Aldermund whispered to himself,

"elenea... irma lle.. (stars.. like you..)"

"Heruamin Aldermund.. (Lord Aldermund)"
Anarawen softly called his name. As he turned towards her, he saw the pale face of a mortal girl with a soft silver gleam in her eyes as she was looking up at the stars. Aldermund quietly waited for her to speak again.
"Amin harmuva onalle e' cormamin.. (I will treasure your gift in my heart..)"
As she spoke a trace of smile had passed her lips as though she had not realized that she had been smiling. Aldermund was mesmerized by the white glow of her face & the gleam in her eyes as she studied the stars with a focus so intense she did not realize that the elven prince was studying her as she did the stars.In the dense humid air of winter, there was a faint sound of battle summon, a howl of battle horn. They were both awaken by the urgency of such a sound and as they searched through the trees on the shores, they were greeted with a flock of flying arrows. Though Anarawen went still by the sudden ambush, the seasoned warrior that he was, Aldermund was ready for it on the sound of the summon. As he waved off the arrows towards them with all he might by his sword & cloak, he shielded Anarawen. An arrow had landed on his left chest as he quickly moved in front of her, & though he had broken it, he could see under the moonlight, the black blood & the sharp pain that marks the poison of a wizard. Suddenly, a wall of water shot up from the river, shielding them from the incoming arrows. Aldermund could hear the squeaks and squeals of the woods as he knelt from the poison that had blackened the veins on his left arm. As he looked up at the mortal girl, she was listening to the sound of the woods. Where there were footsteps & roars, there were screams. After a short moment of chaos from the woods, the sound had died off and it went to its previous tranquility. All the enemy had been slain or some had learnt to be silent & fled. She knelt down beside Aldermund, and examined the wound, to find that it was no ordinary arrow. Aldermund could perish from the poison of it and pass into the realms of the undead.
"My lord, we need to go to shore and find the slain enemies to know the wizard that made this poison, to save you.."
Aldermund was already weary when she had said this, but he had ordered the company to anchor on the shore with what strength he had left.


I admit.. I am kind of out of ideas to actually send the story to the romantic part. I can't just write hugs & kisses out of a sudden coz this is not porno. Yeah.. I'm a noob writer.The pic belongs to its rightful owner.
The pic belongs to its rightful owner.

Anarawn - V

Chapter 7: Lady Anarawen

As the dawn approached, Aldermund stopped practicing his battle skills with the bow and walked back towards the halls of Lothlorien. He wondered how the human girl, Anarawen, would be, almost drowning in thoughts, which could turn out to be a deadly mistake for a warrior elf.

As he patiently waited for the news of the human, there was none sent; and he spent five winter nights honing his battle skills at the ungodly hours to hide his concern over the human.

On the sixth night, as he was sharpening his senses, balance, focus & sword skills, he heard a branch broke under a foot. Quietly he followed the sound, to find nothing but the wind blowing on fallen leaves and branches. Then he heard a faint sound of leaves from far north. He went towards it, to find nothing but the twirling vines with wind blown leaves. Then he saw a flash of green from the rock afar. He swiftly jumped twice towards it quietly, waited beside the stone for a moment to hear the sound of ruffled clothes clearly.

He jumped out of the hiding, caught the creature and threatened it to not move by putting his sword on its throat. As he looked down upon the creature, he realized that it was the girl, Anarawen, in the cloak he had given her on the journey. Aldermund immediately retrieved his sword back only to find out that he could no longer move. Many twirling green vines have held him tightly in their grips, freezing him there as a stone.

Wide-eyed & frightened by the sudden attack, Anarawen couldn't remember Aldermund instantly. It took a moment of looking into his icy blue eyes for her to know that it was he who saved her. She waved the twirls off and to both of their surprise, Aldermund fell as he was no longer held by the twines & he was not anticipating it. She was being held captive by him & thus she fell along. It was only because of Aldermund's swift senses & Anarawen's vine's that Aldermund's sword did not cut through her throat.

"Forgive me my lady; I mistook you for an invading orc or a creature. There are not the times to trust the wanderers."

apologized Aldermund.

"My lord, you intended not to hurt me, it was but a mistake. I take you not for an enemy. It was you who saved me, and for that, my mortal life belongs to you."

Aldermund looked upon the girl, to realize that her eyes are icy-blue again this time. He smiled faintly as he knew that it was his immortal grace that kept her long enough from dying.

"Let me take you back to the halls my lady."

When they arrived the halls of Lothlorien, the maiden who was waiting for them the night they arrived was waiting for them there. She spoke,

"Your highness, Lady Galadriel has sent for you this evening."


"My lord..",

said Lady Galadriel and gestured Aldermund to a chair beside Lord Celeborn.

Lord Celeborn greeted him with a nod, and spoke,

"We would like to speak to you of matters of middle-earth Prince Aldermund. King Thranduil must know this and from you."

"Yes my lord..",

Aldermund agreed.
"Times of great battles against the darkest evils is near. The elves of Mirkwood must beware & be prepared for their chosen fates. The ships would be prepared when the time is near for those who wish to seek to continue to follow the immortal ways of our kind. However, for those who wish to fight against evil, we must join forces with mortal humans to fight.", said Lord Celeborn.

"I agree My Lord. I will pass this message to my father.",

said Aldermund.

"Now, I would like to speak of the human girl you have brought us to cure. She have confided in us that she is of Helcaraxë household. I read that she had no malice, and her words could be trusted. Though she is mortal, she practice laws of nature and she is not to be taken as helpless."

"I have found out that she could command nature My Lady.",

answered Aldermund.
Aldermund looked upon Lady Galadriel and he heard her spoke into his mind.

"Beware my lord... for more than this.. fate would go on.. hold your heart on your sleeve.. for what dwells inside is not what it is outside.."

Quietly, Aldermund paid respect to the Lord & Lady & left their chambers.


On the fortnight, before they leave for Mirkwood, Lord & Lady of Lothlorien joined them on their nightly feast. Elven delicacies were presented on the table for akin from Mirkwood. They feasted and they drank merrily. Aldermund left the company to walk on the shores of Lorien. As he left the table, Lady Galadriel descended a wise glance upon him, for she could foresee the future of any creature that she set her gaze upon.

Under the moonlight, he saw a figure, and this time he recognized it. It was Anarawen. This time, quietly without letting her be known of his presence, he walked away toward the trees. As he disappeared, Anarawen looked back at the path he had taken & smiled softly to herself. The elven princeling was not aware that she could understand the tongues of nature. From the moment he had been near the shore, the trees have whispered his name to her. As she stood waiting for him listening as the trees talked about him walking away, she smiled secretly at his reserved & peaceful nature of an elf. She would be eternally grateful for the life he had given her.


Nope. Can't write love scene yet. But I will. So.. tune in! :P

the pic belongs to its rightful owner.
the pic belongs to its rightful owner.