Thursday, January 17, 2013

Anarawen- III

Chapter 5: I am..

When Thranduil and Aldermund arrived at the chamber where the girl laid dying, the great elven wizard Arcamenel was attending to the girl. Arcamenel took a cloth from the maiden holding a bowl where the cloth had been soaked, put it on the girl’s forehead and murmered something inaudible. Then he turned to Thranduil & Aldermund saying:

What troubles her is not in our power to fend off. Great power could only be vanquished by an equal. The Lady of Lothlorien may help her.

Aldermund glanced upon the pale girl with pity. Fate does not seem to be on her side. When Aldermund looked up on his father, Lord Thranduil, he spoke:

Take her to Galadriel. Help, we shall for fate has given her to us. Swift foot warriors will travel before you set out with the girl to Galadriel. Travel fast & travel light with some companions and maidens, for she has no time to loose.

Aldermund looked into his father's wise eyes and spoke not, for this time again, he found no words. At that instant, they heard a murmur from the girl:

Where... am I... ?

Amazed, they all turned to the girl, fully awake, on the bed, with a pale face and weak posture. Her eyes were wide with perplexity and wonder. Arcamenel spoke softly:

You are in Mirkwood, the land of wood elves. Fear not, for you have no enemy here. We seek only to save you.

Aldermund spoke, hoping the girl would have saved her memory.

What is your name, Arwenamin (my lady)..?

The girl looked up at him, and once her eyes locked into Aldermund's, she uttered:

My lord, I am Anarawen, daughter of Eldalote Sáralondë, Lady of Helcaraxë. I couldn't show enough gratitude for saving me from mortal danger.

Adermund found no answer for her yet he couldn't turn away from her gaze. As he looked at her with kindness, he realized the light in her eyes were fading slowly. She passed out of consciousness before he could speak. Lord Thranduil spoke:

Helcaraxë?.. She couldn't have meant the cold desolate plains..? There are living beings..? Aldermund, if fate permits, she must be saved. Prepare for journey and set out before dusk.

As Thraunduil blurted these words, Aldermund looked into his father's eyes. They were intent, yet secret lies beneath them and they questioned him. Aldermund couldn't stand his father's unspoken questions and as he swayed his eyes again to the girl, he said:

Yes.. my lord.


Need inspiration again. =D

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