Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Anarawen- II

Continuance of the fan-fiction, Untitled Part 1 (2003)... Inspired by the elves in Lord Of the Rings.
I know it might be too romantic. But I was ~17 when I wrote the first part.
Happened to continue only now. I don't know why I set this aside after the first part.
So.. =P enjoy. And I do hope you would. ;)


Chapter 3: "The Blue Eyes.."

neuma.. neuma... neu..

Aldermund leaned closer to listen to the girl. He was astonished by the fact that the girl half-conscious in his arms was speaking elvish.

Trap?.. She was in mortal danger. Yet she seems too fragile to be fending off even a troll alone in this desolate land & her unseen wounds are not the works of a troll. Where are her companions? Who was she trying to warn?

While Aldermund was deep in his thoughts, the girl opened her crystal blue eyes which were strangely the same shade as his. And as he looked into them he saw middle earth in great times, filled with joy & peace & love. Aldermund spoke softly to not startle the girl.

What is your name Arwenamin (my lady)?..

The girl moved her lips as if she was speaking, yet it was not with a sound visible even to Aldermund's elven ears. The girl's eyes swayed not from Aldermund's, wide and puzzling as if she was trying to communicate. In a flicker of moment, those pale bluish eyes, desperately trying to depict a sentence, turned muddy brown as if a stream has been stained with blood. Little by little, the brownness seeped in with the swiftness of a tide; and in a moment, her eyes had completely turned into the shades of topaz. Her eyes closed again after her eyes changed color and she had fallen back again into deep sleep.

What kind of unforgiving dark magic would make this girl suffer by denying an Elf's immortal grace...? I must take her to Mirkwood. Though Heruamin (my lord) had forbidden the passage of travelers to our realms, this is not the matter of a simple wanderer in the woods.

Aldermund wrapped the girl with his green hooded cover, to ensure the cold would not take her before he could unveil the sorcery that had caused this. A trained hunter & a seasoned warrior with the strength of an elf, Aldermund was immune to the cold winter. Wasting not a moment, Aldermund rode off into the blizzard with the girl in his arms completely covered from the seething snow.

Chapter 4: "Mirkwood"

Aldermund rode past the journey of a night in a stride, east to the mountains. He approached the guarded gates of Mirkwood in the dense forest before dawn. There came a sound that only his keen elven senses could hear.

Ya tula sinome? (Who comes here?)

He answered instantly fearing time was of utmost treasure and it was about to be lost forever.

Aldermund.. Amin caela ve' edan yassen amin (I have a human with me.).. Re anta tua .. (She needs help)

The voice only of a whisper to common ears answered:

Lle aa' auta.. (you may go)

Aldermund passed the gates quietly with swiftness, and reached the halls of Mirkwood. There stood his father Thranduil, the ruler of Mirkwood with his gaze upon Aldermund. He carried the girl into the halls. After a glance upon her, Thranduil spoke to the elven maidens standing in the hall:

Take her to a chamber & let our elvish cures save her. May comfort and rest be with her.

As the maidens took the human girl and disappeared, Thranduil turned to Aldermund. Though softly he spoke, his words were as hard as the blades wrought by dwarfs.

You have broken our law, my son. To break your own law, is to break your own horse. It is beyond absurd. Have you no reason? Have you the urgent matter for such defiance?

Kneeling in front of his father, Aldermund spoke:

My lord, I meant not to defy my King and the law you've set. But this human girl, is under the spell of a great dark wizard. I found her unconscious in the blizzard of the woods in the mountains. I had not the heart to leave a dying being. Though my purpose was to help her, it was not to lead her into Mirkwood. Even an elven grace could not help her.

Thranduil set his eyes upon Aldermund & waved the elves in the hall out, saying:

Help, we shall, for we are not the kind that destroys life & fate. But she must be on her way afterwards. Kneel not my son, for I have no anger for what you've done.

Aldermund nodded his head, for he found no reason to argue with the words. He stood up and glanced into his father's wise eyes.

Now, let us meet our curers to tell what you have seen in that human child.

Led by the King Thranduil, Aldermund left the halls towards the chambers of elven physicians. Though trying hard to forget what he had seen, he had the endearing care for the human girl. He wondered whether she could still be saved for no dark spell he had heard of had been powerful enough to shield a immortal grace.


Kind of tired now. Will continue later on. I don't mind if you say the story is horrible. I just really want to finish what I started. I love LOTR. ;) 15/1/2013

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