Friday, October 12, 2018

Anarawen XIV

Chapter 16: Mirkwood Luhta
    Anarawen rose up to the first morning light under the sheets. She hoped yet not to find the elf in her disarrayed state, and decided to quietly try to find him and stealthily return to her chambers without him noticing, but he was no longer on the chamber with her. To her surprise, she found a dress hung up in the next annex room, with a gold comb and a silver mirror. Aldermond must have left them for her. Anarawen left the chambers after donning what she had been given and went to her chambers, from a new route this time. The beauty of Mirkwood had never ceased to amaze her with its goodness and never-ending immortal light.
    The eventful encounter with Aldermond yesternight had kept her in a confused and euphoric state the whole day. She decided that it was the best time to practice her spell casting abilities and her potion forumlas, as it seemed like the right place and the right mind. It seemed as if there was nothing that could distract her from pure joy she would gain from successfully casting a new spell. She decided to venture again into the Mirkwood forest, but this time on a different direction.
    To no surprise, elves were meticulous immortal beings with their zeal in finding and practicing new magic, in their most comfortable fortress, Mirkwood. The forest seemed prettier than the previous days, and it could have been Anarawen's euphoria or because it was a new part of the forest. Anarawen was not sure if she should even try to return to Helecrexe, her homeland. Afterall, she was of the House of Helecrexe, and she had learnt and seen what was there to learn and see there, and she was out on her own to explore what was left to explore, outside of her normal roaming regions. That was how she ended up in mortal danger and that was why the elf found her, on his diplomatic venture that turn combatant on the way home.
     She heard a small noise, slightly cloaked, but it sounded like it was only a broken branch. She decided to find out what it was. She found a group of young elves gathering leaves very quietly. She was happy to find them as she was also looking for new roots and plants to practice making potions. With much delight, she joined them on their extended agricultural trip. She had not seen such an eye-widening collection of herbs and plants in one forest, and it had not intimidated nor deterred her from collecting a full basket. As she was turning back, for she saw elves preparing to leave, she heard someone behind her said,
     "We would be having a feast to celebrate finding enough medicine for the season, tonight. You are most welcomed to join us, my lady. Bring this branch to the occasion."
      As the beautiful elf with light blue eyes said this, she handed her a small branch with a few leaves on it. Anarawen, perplexed, took the green branch handed to her. She was ecstatic to be included in their spiritual gathering of the wizards. Now, she completely felt at home. As they entered the halls of the House of Mirkwood, dinner was ready. It was a good quiet feast with a few quiet murmurs among those sitting side by side. It was the most civilized, and joyful feast she had ever seen in her whole life. She was greeted with a smile by the young elven lady who handed her the branch in the evening. As they all finished the feast, the young elven maiden came over with a smile on her face and led her out into the fields outside the halls. There was a bonfire where elves, some she had met during the evening and some she had never met, gathered around. They all had one thing in common; they each had a branch in their hands.
    As she joined the young elven lady who led her the way, she gave her a place beside her to sit and she said,
    " Im estel cin are eithel nin híril." (I hope you are well my lady.)
    "I had never been better, my lady." 
    "My name is Tauriel. I am the leader of the troops, Warrior Shield Maiden of Mirkwood."
    "Me, Anarawen, my lady. I practice command of the four elements of nature." 
    As they were conversing, Tauriel was passed a beautiful marble bowl filled with gold-sprinkled eggs inside. Anarawen marveled at the beauty of the bowl and the egg, under the lights of both the moon and the fire. Tauriel silently accepted the bowl, took an egg out of the bowl and put it in her mouth. When she had done that, she passed the bowl to Anarawen, this time only on the ground, pushing it towards her. 
     "It is heavy." 
      Mesmerized and wide-eyed, Anarawen nodded, and took an egg out of the bowl to place in her mouth, and pushed the bowl towards the other elf sitting beside her who took the bowl with her hands and a smile. She tasted different layers of sweetness and bitterness, all becoming one in her mouth.
     "What concoction would this be my lady?"
     "It is traditional food, like Lambus bread, only this is not for hunger nor survival, but pleasure and for ceremonious occasions." 
    Feeling a little sheepish, Tauriel started taking off the laves of the branch she had and rolled the leaves into a ciger. She gestured Anarawen to do the same, with a smile. Anarawen rolled a few leaves into a rounded, blunt-ended roll. She knew enough that this would be to be huffed and puffed, as tobacco rolls that Gandalf liked to inhale. She lighted her roll of leaves with the light from the bonfire, and started enjoying the smoke that came out of the burn. She decided to keep the rest of the leaves on the branch, as she was not sure whether it would be wise to smoke all of the leaves and be out-of-step in the bonfire dance. Afterall, Aldermond was watching her. 
    As the night matured into a full moon, she was fully sensing the presence of the natural elements, as well as the immortal beings around her. She was able to command the four elements more easily, and playing with fire, had made her particularly popular with little elf-lings joining the crowd for the dance. Anarawen had yet to encounter such joyous and active gathering of the elves, ever, since they were the first wood elves she had encountered. As the moon passed shining above their heads across the sky, she became too tired. She left with Aldermond to her chambers, as she needed to rest for the night. 
    Tomorrow, seemed like a never ending journey of magic and feasts...
This is a fan fiction.

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